Common Cat Litter Box Problems


Here are a few common issues that cat carers encounter regarding litter boxes:

The litter box is not cleaned regularly.

Scoop every day to keep kitty happy and returning to the box without having to walk over old poop.

The litter box is too small/too big.

Make sure to provide a large enough box for your cat to feel comfortable in. Get a tray with lower sides if your cat has mobility issues.

The litter box is not accessible.

Don’t hide the box where it’s difficult to get to. Your cat may simply not bother going to it.

There’s too much litter in the box.

Cats don’t want to feel like they are sinking into the litter. Your cat may get scared if she gets the feeling of sinking in quicksand and may refuse to get into the box. Your kitty may just kick the excess litter out of the box to get the proper amount she likes.

There’s not enough litter in the box.

On the other hand, your cat may not feel comfortable if there isn’t enough litter to cover up her business and decide to go somewhere else like your bedsheets. Typically a depth of 2”-3” of litter is a comfortable amount for your kitty to dig in and go.

There are too many cats for the amount of cat litter boxes.

Remember the rule of 1 box per cat plus an extra. Cats can get territorial if sharing boxes and one cat may intimidate the others making them avoid the litter box out of fear.

The cat litter has a strong odor.

Cats’ noses are extra sensitive and you should avoid strong perfumes and agents that mask smells.

Medical issue.

Your cat may go outside of the box if she has a medical problem like a urinary tract infection, kidney stones, or feline interstitial cystitis. She may feel an urgency to urinate and can’t make it to the box. You need to see your vet if you observe your cat straining, peeing small amounts, or eliminating more frequently than usual.


Cats don’t like changes and something in their daily lives may provoke them to seek other places to do their business. Things like a house move, a new baby, even a new piece of furniture in the house may upset them. Observe your cat and put the litter box where she is going to eliminate if you can.