Which Type of Litter to Use


There are many types of litters out there. The type you put in the litter box is quite important. Your cat will let you know pretty early on that she doesn’t like her litter texture or odor by refusing to use it. Here are a few suggestions to raise your success rate.

1、Low-scent or scent-free: It may seem tantalizing to get litter that has scent gels or some kind of odor control agent. Cats’ noses are extremely sensitive. Many cats are bothered by the strong smell and may refuse to use the scented litter. I’d suggest only lightly-scented (all-natural, of course) or scent-free litters./2、Natural: Choosing a natural and eco-friendly litter is best to keep you and your cat healthy. Regular clay or silicone litters can be a health hazard to both your family and your cat. Look for a litter that’s plant-based, includes no toxic ingredients, and doesn’t have the risk of aflatoxin contamination.